FlexPass – Youth Theatre Northwest

What is a FlexPass?

FlexPass is a bundle of 12 tickets that can be redeemed in any combination during the YTN season. Tickets can be used however you want. You can spread them out over a whole season, use all 12 tickets for one show, or however works best for you. A Flex Pass is $145, which translates to a savings of up to $35 over the single ticket price for 12 tickets.

In a regular season, FlexPass tickets are processed at the door through YTN's box office staff. This year, YTN is setting up a virtual FlexPass ticketing system for current and future FlexPass holders.

How do I get a FlexPass?

To purchase a new FlexPass, visit the link below. After your order is processed, you may start using your FlexPass for ticket purchases through our 'Redeem FlexPass Tickets' Form

How do I use my FlexPass?

Visit the Redeem FlexPass page (linked below) and fill out the simple form with some identifying information and the show for which you want to redeem your FlexPass. That's it!

If you redeem a FlexPass ticket with no tickets remaining, a YTN staff member will contact you to renew your FlexPass or bill you for the cost of the ticket.

For live performances (Radio Drama and Compleat Wrks of Wllm Shkspr (Abridged)), FlexPass tickets must be redeemed at least one-hour prior to showtime

Email info@youththeatre.org or call 206.232.4145 for more information.

How many FlexPass tickets do I have left?

If you are a previous or new FlexPass holder, you can verify how many FlexPass tickets you have remaining:

If you redeem a FlexPass ticket with no tickets remaining, a YTN staff member will contact you to renew your FlexPass or bill you for the cost of the ticket.

If it is your first visit to the site, you will be prompted to create a login, use the same email address you used to purchase your FlexPass. 

If you were a FlexPass holder prior to YTN moving into a virtual format, your FlexPass has been digitized. Creating an account with the name on your original FlexPass should link up with our online database. If you encounter any issues with this, please email info@youththeatre.org.

Email info@youththeatre.org or call 206.232.4145 for more information.